​​​SPE Society for Photographic Education, Reno, NV, Half Life
MicroActs 20' London, UK, WIshfulweed
Boone Docs, North Carolina, NC, Sweet Press
Feminist Border Art Film Festival, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, Feeder
VASTLAB Experimental 6, Los Angeles, CA, Wishfulweed
The Melbourne Underground Film Festival (M.U.F.F.), Melbourne, Aus, The Amber Gates
Frame + Frequency IX, VisArts in Rockville, Maryland, curated by Frank McCauley, Wishfulweed
Fragments of Worlds Unknown, Second Shift Studio St Paul, MN, screening curated by Ioana Turcan
South Sound Experimental Film Fest, Seattle, WA, Northwest Film Forum, Wishfulweed
20 Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground, Museo de la Reconquista, Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, The Amber Gates
The Mtn Craft Film Festival, Robinson Grand Performing Arts Center, WV, Sweet Press
Mimesis Documentary Festival, Dairy Arts Center and CMCI Studio in Boulder, CO, The Amber Gates
Suspaustas laikas, Vilnius, LT, Wishfulweed
Experiments in Cinema, EIC, New Mexico, Half Life
North Carolina Film Festival, New Bern Civic Theater in New Bern, NC, Sweet Press
San Diego Underground Film Festival, Media Arts Center @ UCSD Park & Market CA, Half Life
EXPS/SLC, Experimental Series - Salt Lake City, final program, curated by Kym McDaniel, The Amber Gates
aCinema, aDifferent Program, curated by Janelle VanderKelen and Takahiro Suzuki, Milwaukee, The Amber Gates
Youth Pastor is a Narc, curated by Emily Vey Duke, The Blue Building Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Braziers International Film Festival, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire, UK, Half Life
The Best of Midwest Video Poetry Fest, curated by Genia Daniels and Rita Mae Reese, Madison, WI, I Imagine I Been Science Fiction Always
New Music+Technology Festival, Moss Art Center, Blacksburg, VA, Clear, Feeder
James River Film Festival , Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Reynolds Lecture Hall, Richmond, Virginia, Sweet Press
Czong Institute for Contemporary Art (CICA) Museum, Breath 2024 Exhibition, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, The Land of Luana
The West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival, Gluck Theatre, Sweet Press & Canady Creative Arts Center, Half Life
Open Air Media Festival, Public Space 1, Iowa City, The Amber Gates, // Current State = True;
Cine Amazonia del Plata, Buenos Aires, Tigre, Half Life
Berkeley Springs Film Festival BSFF, Berkeley Springs WV, Sweet Press, Winner Best Short Documentary
Odds and Ends Film Festival, Vinegar Hill Theatre, Charlottesville, Virginia, Curated by Rachel Lane, Jason Robinson, and Anna Hogg // Current state = true;
ReWilding Experimental Media Arts Festival, Richmond Center for Visual Arts, VA, Half Life